See More, Be More, Make More

“Your Image Educates Others on How to Approach You” -Dr. Stacia Pierce

Salon Blog
Salon Blog

That is one of the most profound concepts for professionals like us to grab ahold of. We beautify, improve images, and thusly, lives - and our days can become consumed between clients, home life, and really just life in general. Every now and then we might need to take a quick pause to take stock, and look around. Just a quick question: When is the last time you looked at your salon/station with fresh eyes? Often, it's very easy to become so familiar with our surroundings, it's as if we no longer see it in detail. Like driving to a new location vs. the daily commute home, sometimes we’ve seen it so many times, we no longer really see it clearly – we unconsciously gloss it over. Today – STOP. LOOK. Really take it in, and take stock of your environment: What does it tell clients to expect?What level of service does it promise? How much does it make them expect to pay? How much does it tell them to tip? Does it grab them? Excite them? Refresh them? Does it grab/excite/refresh you? We are artists who spend everyday adding beauty to the world, in our chairs – let’s start adding beauty to the world AROUND our chairs too. Freshen up the decor, add a punch of color, a spray of fresh flowers, accent pillows, new artwork - You will find the process of redecorating in and of itself will invigorate you, and pull out new creativity. Here's an easy tip - try to find a new artist in your area whose musings match your mojo: you may be able to acquire a few nice pieces for your walls, at an affordable cost, while helping out a fellow artist by giving him/her a place to display their work - cooperation is fabulous and fun (teamwork makes the dream work). You'll find that adding a few extras here and there causes extra income, and new clientele to show up.